
2/12/2025 - Full Moon

  a-quality of focus - a-form of total-play - cubs in play - full-on action - in-mind-in-bodied - afford-in un-worrying - r-nuanced - n-dimensioned - non-alco-holy-holic-funk - of-a-world - scaling uncertainties - #micropoem pondering - just how many - opportunities - there were - to make laws - that would prevent - a unitary-executive - #micropoem If people - could choose - would there be any - American states - that would choose - to become - a Canadian province - #micropoem slow - systems - mind-flow - states - and in-tangled householding - home-making - and all - that is - in the enacting  - can’t show others - the way  - can't know - their way - and theirs only - way-finding - in-and-ticipation - #micropoem coup - or general strike - it's going to be - one or - the other - #micropoem mhm

2//52025 - First Quarter Moon

  a-waiting fore-curious - minds - trans-parental - accounting of - all data-abled - information - and ponder - ai-query-able - finding-patterns - a-sort of dream-analysis - signal-noising - the flow-of-un-sub-conscious - a-new sensorial - fore collective-qualia - #micropoem pondering the frank-enstein - moment - were all - lights - cast-spectrum-shadows - and these - that enable - all in-cites - from n-ialectics - of living-metabolism - liv-in - is-the-environment - of living - #micropoem when we really need - representatives-of the general will- of the people - and there is only - i-am - mees - twins - of the neoliberal - progressives - #micropoem begins with - re-cognition of - the improsing of tariffs - righteous counter - prose - and you know - they're all acting - trained - because they profile and never - look at the camera - #micropoem and re-cognizing - a-collective - dejas-vu dread - of the four - rider of the un-veiling - shadowing - with curses-of-greed - in-our - frank...

1/29/2025 - New Moon

  and so - day one -  parable of - the hand-maids-tale - #micropoem obedience - in advance - media-cants - capitalism with - out law - rule by might - protection by wracket - #micropoem aligning attentions - to focus on - relationships - on thoughts - outside my thinking - thoughts - it's not time - there's eternities - it the energy-to - focus threshold - till the juices - flow - and the age-in - when juices slow - and efforts grow - #micropoem a commons-saying - anyone - can make - currency - the trick is - to get people - to use it - or is that - too cypto - #micropoem our frankenstein - moment - a-global-facing - of our shadows - a schismogenesis - of-shadows - of-lights - of-alien - intelligence - #micropoem severance - perfectly rational - choices - if the pol-tech-econo-cology - afforded such - choice-spaces - and there  - entanglement - of the shadowed - mind - figuring-out - of the ground - #micropoem and drifting - all over the place - faster than - enacting-can...