
Showing posts from December, 2021

12/26/2021 - Third Quarter Moon

  Life begets life –  that defines life - Life is change -  begetting change  Human destiny -  is to embrace - an agency - for Living Change  #micropoem Listening - to news - so much endor-mation-as-news -  the drama of values -  It's not fake-news - It's all soap-news -  and yet - we need soap - #micropoem so much - binge tv -  almost compelling - in degrees of - melodreamatic -  build-ups-of - soap-film  -  #micropoem mhm - Kayfabe taboo - wrestling - so like politics - tuning into elemental - 'laws of narrative for audience buy' - mass-marketing models - developing to shape audiences - that shape other media models - schismogenesis of - model-audience mutualisms - echo-bubbling - #micropoem   so lucky - a simple walk - and yet -  she is mystery -  edging a sacred -  with her -  serene beauty - of simple - natural harmony -  living a gentle dance -   keeps me loving - the dancing -  so lucky - am i to - to live in her attraction - #micropoem Life begets life –  that d

12/18/2021 - Full Moon

    mhm - economic incentives -  defined inside a system - to constrain - desired properties -  of the past - to hold -  and colonize - the future -  through - artificial scarcity -  #micropoem mhm - DAO - smart contract - logical entity - within axioms - logical infrastructures - can it evolve - in biospheres - of ecological - afford-dancing - denying Gödel - over-determining - non-ergodic manifolds - work-to-rule - sensitivity to - unseen butterflies - #micropoems she tried - to frame a bond - saying good-bye - in a baby-girl - sorta voice -  a creepy - Uncanny chasm - moth-ing me - to her flame - but her anti-gravity - was too attached - to the could-have-beens - and the was-es - of the past - #micropoem mhm - lucid-dreaming - conscious dream witnessing - And revelations - tempts mind to - conscious dream control - To will a creation - simulations of - dream deprivation - entailing attention apnea - as the unconscious - wants to dream its own dreams - for you - #micropoem a single -

12/10/2021 - First Quarter Moon

    keep - getting drawn - into a gaming - stupor-attractor -  a sort of no-mind - but anti-zen - pattern recognition - phase-space - time-less-ness -  is it grace - or - anesthesia -  #micropoem   it's hard - to create beauty -  endure the tedium - of practice -  to catch a breath - of in-spirit-aeration -  then the working -  the re-working - re-visiting - reviewing - reforming - restarting - re-righting -  till it’s true -   #micropoem   Covid-Space-time - memory can seem - so drifty  -  experience can be - so - momentary -  another day of - forgetting - to tend - my cloud - of shoulds - task mastering -  lost -  to ritual - rights - #micropoem herb-states - it's not the - brilliance -  that is changed -  light is light - it's the brilliancing - that is changed -  light is free - un-prismed -  un -  as-in undead -  #micropoem   The herb is - not distraction -  like ADHT -  it's attentional - intensity - enhancements - of beingness - in a flow of attention -  and that