12/26/2021 - Third Quarter Moon


Life begets life – 

that defines life -

Life is change - 

begetting change 

Human destiny - 

is to embrace -

an agency -

for Living Change 


Listening -

to news -

so much endor-mation-as-news - 

the drama of values - 

It's not fake-news -

It's all soap-news - 

and yet -

we need soap -


so much -

binge tv - 

almost compelling -

in degrees of -

melodreamatic - 

build-ups-of -

soap-film  - 


mhm -

Kayfabe taboo -

wrestling -

so like politics -

tuning into elemental -

'laws of narrative for audience buy' -

mass-marketing models -

developing to shape audiences -

that shape other media models -

schismogenesis of -

model-audience mutualisms -

echo-bubbling -


 so lucky -

a simple walk -

and yet - 

she is mystery - 

edging a sacred - 

with her - 

serene beauty -

of simple -

natural harmony - 

living a gentle dance - 

 keeps me loving -

the dancing - 

so lucky -

am i to -

to live in her attraction -


Life begets life – 

that defines life -

Life is change - 

begetting change -

metabolism for shaping -

what life begets -

a human destiny - 

to embrace -

an agency -

for Living Change 


the luck of love -

can never -

be anticipated -

a destiny -

a fortuity -

 an original gift beyond -

an eternal return -

a gift to all you touch -

a sacred beauty -

of grace to me -

a gravity of love -

a blessing -

a ground -

a firmament -

for life -

beyond my hopes -


I miss -

the movie experience - 

first 6 rows - 

center - 

so I'm in the movie - 

incapable -

of partial attention syndrome -


 in times of -

‘the truth is dead - long live honesty’ 

mytho-memetic-narrating - 

mhm - 

no unit is adequate - 

in itself - 

it is only in interaction that - 

possibles-become-actuals - 

that superpositions-collapse - 

that space-times -

enact - 


Life is change - 

change is unpredictable -

 but we can -

with attention -

and effort - 

shape change - 

to survive -

 toward hope of flourishing - 


life -

is so challenging -

to face - 

to see as it is - 

to endure -

the boredom - 

the silence - 

the overwhelming -

flow of stimulus - 

the uncertainty - 

the sudden -

emergence of anything -




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