
Showing posts from March, 2023

3/28/2022 - First Quarter Moon

  what the #JobGuarantee - does -  is to #discipline -  the market - on how to be - #disciplined - #micropoem recent AI - public exposures -  my god -  the looming know-able - unknowns -  and all the one's - i can't even imagine - as imagine-able -  the unknown unknowns -  then becoming - the commons -  social habit-us  #micropoem and the mild - observation - of depression -  overwhelmed -  and attracting - attention - to what overwhelms - may well be - what desires - most of all -  #micropoem ah - no sense of irony -  para-dox - a measure - of complexity - of reasoning -  that irony enables - wayfinding to wisdom -  a measure - of collective - expanse of - response-ability - #micropoem the pallet - of diversities- is embodied - and enacted - uniquely - in every individual - in social - entanglemeants - mycelial ecologies - of diversities - #micropoem a well - discovered - life - is life - well lived - #micropoem the - remember me -  a thread -  of interesting - to re-memb

3/21/2022 - New Moon

  drifting - through the cloud - of un-knowing - moral frameworks -  socially-constructed - sensorial-stimulations -  organ-eyezed - entangled-empirical - sense-making-worlds - proto-calls - fore -  aliens-in-a-strange-land - #micropoem literally - holy-shit -  poker-face -  s1e8 -  'columbo-the-confessor - of accounts' -  brilliance - even at its most - obvious - interio-or-ogations - #micropoem each night - i play -  my small wind - chamber -  of one note -   another song -  of multi-dimensional - diverse-ariety -  #micropoem no middle-path - no ethical logic - to paradox of pain-suffering - avoiding pain - enact suffering - observing - re-cognizes pain- impermanent - an emptiness of - cause-effects - awakening to - reality as-is - attachment - aversion - fade - choices - gift liberty - #micropoem a pattern - re-cognizing - methodology -  clocks taking measures - of patterns  - enable rhythms - for living-systems-in-environments - entangle-meants - because no one - knows wher

3/14/2022 - Third Quarter Moon

  pondering - life -  self-replication -  in other-selfing -  metabolism -  in self-othering - self-re-production -  #micropoem mhm -  i was engaging - my intelligence-systems - with prompts - to prompt - a counter-intelligence - with orthodox-claims - so i could - generate - better - counter accounts - for my own accounts - playing with - myself - #micropoem conundrum - of marketing -  in nature - is it enaction - of deceptions - or enactment - specified - relationships - of metabolism -  enabling easemeants - for trans-portal-formation -   an inter-operability -  for response-able allostasis -  life-begetting-life - #micropoem @fordnation   -  cheap beer - and easy - gambling -  good way - to make easy money - sell public assets - in a casino - #micropoem mhm -  it seems to - me -  that diffusion is -  exactly like we -  re-member -  what we've -  seen -  long ago - #micropoem how long - it will take -  until there is - generative-ai - chatgpt -  engine optimization AI -  earning