3/28/2022 - First Quarter Moon


what the #JobGuarantee -

does - 

is to #discipline -

 the market -

on how to be -

#disciplined -


recent AI -

public exposures - 

my god - 

the looming know-able -

unknowns - 

and all the one's -

i can't even imagine -

as imagine-able - 

the unknown unknowns - 

then becoming -

the commons - 

social habit-us 


and the mild -

observation -

of depression - 

overwhelmed - 

and attracting -

attention -

to what overwhelms -

may well be -

what desires -

most of all - 


ah -

no sense of irony - 

para-dox -

a measure -

of complexity -

of reasoning - 

that irony enables -

wayfinding to wisdom - 

a measure -

of collective -

expanse of -

response-ability -


the pallet -

of diversities-

is embodied -

and enacted -

uniquely -

in every individual -

in social -

entanglemeants -

mycelial ecologies -

of diversities -


a well -

discovered -

life -

is life -

well lived -


the -

remember me - 

a thread - 

of interesting -

to re-member -

or to re-generate -

a pattern -

of perturb-actions -

through accounts  -

of embodied-sensorial-sense-reconciling - 

to feel right - 


always -

showing up - 

habitually -

re-membering - 

for response-able -

re-productions of - 

sensorial-inter-stimming -

 for enabling -

 co-survivals -


and basically -

shared with -

only - 

cause -

it was so -

me-as-ma-forager - 

enacting -

as-only -

a comedy of 

me-ad-hd - 

can  -


consciousness - 

to sense is -

to be stimulated - 

how 'it' senses  - 

is how 'it' is -

stimulated - 


Despite -

the base - 

#trumPetite -

isn't ripe -

for winning - 

he can only -

spoil -

and whine -


pondering - 

my mother - 

 early-age smoker - 

she got worse -

when she quit - 

how many ADHD -

adults used to -

self-medicate -

by smoking - 

a boomer-generation -

blossomed into -

neuro-diversity -


tonight -

 the pinch of cinnamon - 

shimmers the dark-c - 

next time - 

a dash of sriracha -

an add of -

temp-elody notes -


mhm -

narrative continuity - 

re-membering -

ourselves - 

reconciling our -

accounts - 

to anticipate -

propheting -


sort of glimpsing -

a sense of -

executive function - 

meta quorum-sensing-stimulating - 

enaction -

plan of focusing - 




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