1/29/2025 - New Moon


and so -

day one - 

parable of -

the hand-maids-tale -


obedience -

in advance -

media-cants -

capitalism with -

out law -

rule by might -

protection by wracket -


aligning attentions -

to focus on -

relationships -

on thoughts -

outside my thinking -

thoughts -

it's not time -

there's eternities -

it the energy-to -

focus threshold -

till the juices -

flow -

and the age-in -

when juices slow -

and efforts grow -


a commons-saying -

anyone -

can make -

currency -

the trick is -

to get people -

to use it -

or is that -

too cypto -


our frankenstein -

moment -

a-global-facing -

of our shadows -

a schismogenesis -

of-shadows -

of-lights -

of-alien -

intelligence -


severance -

perfectly rational -

choices -

if the pol-tech-econo-cology -

afforded such -

choice-spaces -

and there  -

entanglement -

of the shadowed -

mind -

figuring-out -

of the ground -


and drifting -

all over the place -

faster than -

enacting-can -

thinktype -

and keep-in -

eye-of -

the entailing -

tangle-meants -




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