
Showing posts from February, 2023

2/27/2022 - First Quarter Moon

  but capitalism - is a game - of compound - network-effects -  the more x you have - the easier it is to get more x -  till you own the house -  in a ponzi-way - #micropoem and subjectivity-based -  agency -  framed-in - polarity of - nature-vs-technology -  have the same shadow -  the looming -  liminal-finality of a -  dissolution of self -  the dark ecology of mind -  #micropoem even if - the messengers - are not - lying - without good faith -  honesty -  the message-narrative - that an audience - wants to screen - is the game -  #micropoem  the messenger - can feel called - by a beyond - to build - audience - for the messages - of-the-messenger - a sort of call - to an evangelical call - like a bio-chem - massage trail - entangling an arboreal - world - measures taken - faithfully - for power of reach - #micropoem mhm

2/20/2022 - New Moon

  and pondered - the presence - embodied - enactions - sense-making -  as sensing - my enactmeants -  of making -  my living - awakened - #micropoem drifting - in routine -  a new - familiar - attractor -  of eases -  and interesting curiosities -  redemptive allostasis -  remembering-my-becoming - #micropoem shadows -  the not seen -  behind - what you see -  #micropoem wisdom - comprehend - multiple accounts - of cause-effect - entanglemeants - un-intended - butterfly-trajectories - storm-turbulence - no simple ethics - right - righter - wrong - wronger - wisdom - full embrace - horizon of credit-debts of  response-able - enaction - #micropoem just this surface - interfacing -  even this - affords dimensions - of time-space-fluid - audiences -  reflecting on-beyond - the experience -  of self-stimming -  myself into being -  what isn't -  self-stimming -  oneself into being -  sensing-IS-stimulation - #micropoem and the - moments - of re-cognition - of the other's - game -  a

2/13/2022 - Third Quarter Moon

  mhm -  you know -  the saying -  justice must not only - be done -  it must be seen - to be done -  so let's see it -  being done - #micropoem superpower of - politicians of - all domains of - collective alignment - languaging -  that ink-blots - a perception of  value - we feel - we can - join together - as ecologies of - infinite niche - shaping - to enact - with entanglement - #micropoem honesty - is not by necessity - the truth -  honesty - affords - a measure of trust -  enabling - good faith -  coordination of - collective capacity -  to make living - more worthwhile - by flourishing together - like an invisible - hand - #micropoem we err - to think - we are fully - into the anthropocene' -  we have only - entering late teen-phase - surviving the anthropocene's - reckless teen becoming - will be a re-cognition - of entering - the anthropocene's - age of majority -  #micropoem give me questions -  not answers -  the less one knows -  the more one suspects -   the

2/5/2022 - Full Moon

  that sense - of all that's - going on -  everything is - coherent with - either-or of -  Le-Carre and Fawlty-Towers -  is this - feeling -  the absurd -  #micropoem   the law - that links - them all -  would seem - to involve - scale-constraint-relations - #micropoem mhm - never meta - face - bookie - that was - honest - #micropoem so now - i get it - fear of the - woke - is all about - keeping - everyone - In slumber - dreaming - fairy tales #micropoem woke and - slumper - in slumber - evokes more -  than asleep -  speaks -  a yestertime -  and a - mourning-time -  #micropoem that is - the problem - in the heart - of the religions - of economi-cological - beings - sin=guilt=debt - and so - all are born - into - original debt -  and redemption is -  attaining freedom -  and  forgiveness - from debt -  and guilt-sin  - of-in-debtedness - #micropoem gaslight economics - fiscal & monetary - functions are different - federal spendings - unrelated - to currency creation - like - s