
Showing posts from October, 2021

10/28/2021 - Third Quarter Moon

  mhm -  if the assumption - is that everyone is corrupt -  and therefore -  incentives of tokens are required -  do the incentives themselves -  ensure that - everyone is nudged - toward corruption ? - #micropoem   words keep their denial -  of gifting voice -  to my feelings -  radical-conservative -  east-west -  male-female -  spectrums of differences -  octaves and fractal harmonies -  horizons of curiosity -  i am blessed -  beyond just luck -  to entangle with you - #micropoem   agri-logics - binary - signal-noise - difference-that-makes-difference -  the excluded middle of - signal-is-noise -  noise-is-signal -  nothing happening - is something happening -  para-dox is -  life - living metabolism - set of itself -  not set in itself - #micropoem   mhm -  change means change -  if i want to change -  that means every-one-thing - that was entangled - with me - must change too -  perturbations - all-the-way-down-up -  #micropoem  Mhm -  we are all parasites -  until we realize - w

10/20/2021 - Full Moon

    70 -  that’s a milestone -  where do i go -  how do i go ? - sigh -  life keeps revealing -  i keep wayfinding - #micropoem   how to have conversations -  enabling listening - to others - and with scaffolding -  in time-space processes - to hear others -  and account for other - experiences -  evolving our mutualisms - #micropoem there is only change -  stability is only - of patterns of -  constraints in flow - to harness flow -  and enable more flow -  #micropoem   to act -  is to anticipate -  and the more - response-able the acting -  the more anticipations become -  afford-able - to enact -  #micropoem mhm

10/12/2021 - First Quarter Moon

  - pondering my - un-disciplined mind -  eye cast that - you can discipline rote-rigor -  but the more - imaginative you can be -  the more complex and - response-able - enacting rigor can be -  rigor and imagination -  rigor by imagination - #micropoem   can some surveillance-oversight -  be being present -  in positive sensing -  light-shadow of surveillance - can surveill-ing-ed-presence - provide comfort - security - if so - how-when-where-etc. - complexity in - privacy-autonomy-agency-anonymity-belonging-trust - #micropoem   the world is full - of uncertainties -  even when it's postive -  the garden always - needs maintaining - and you never know - if the garden would be better - or just as good -  if you left it alone -  or paid way more attention - #micropoem   It takes a village to raise a child - affordances of trust - children can learn autonomy-agency - in safer context - Nurturant Parent family model -  enough in-group trust - and response-ability -  enables - feeling

10/6/2021 - New Moon

  trans-actions -  are social fabric -  the media of social fabric -  the meaning of trans-actions -  reflect the - moral system - Framing -  credit-and-debt -  private-and-commons -  valuing values -  #micropoem   pondering information - epistemology of pattern - big bang ‘negation’ - first difference that makes a difference - enablin patterns to meta - - all the way down and up - grasping/revealing - affordance - is re-cognition - of pattern - through - different media - #micropoem  the ground - that con-figures -  differences that make a difference -  is the frame - of embodied - relation-environments -  #micropoem feelings are - not homogeneous - unitary states -  they are effervescent - attractor-patterns -  micro-muscle-flows -  inbodied - meaning-full - relations-entanglemeants -  afford-dancing -  in spin - in-tensions - #micropoem a disposition-attractor -   pleonasm ? -  what keeps your - disposition rewarding -  allostas