10/12/2021 - First Quarter Moon


- pondering my -

un-disciplined mind - 

eye cast that -

you can discipline rote-rigor - 

but the more -

imaginative you can be - 

the more complex and -

response-able -

enacting rigor can be - 

rigor and imagination - 

rigor by imagination -


 can some surveillance-oversight -

 be being present -

 in positive sensing -

 light-shadow of surveillance -

can surveill-ing-ed-presence -

provide comfort -

security -

if so -

how-when-where-etc. -

complexity in -

privacy-autonomy-agency-anonymity-belonging-trust -


 the world is full -

of uncertainties - 

even when it's postive - 

the garden always -

needs maintaining -

and you never know -

if the garden would be better -

or just as good - 

if you left it alone - 

or paid way more attention -


 It takes a village to raise a child -

affordances of trust -

children can learn autonomy-agency -

in safer context -

Nurturant Parent family model - 

enough in-group trust -

and response-ability - 

enables -

feeling safe locally -

to wayfind our-selves-in-environment -


 love - 


we have high standards -

for choosing -

but much lower -

standards being with -

after the test of choice - 

maybe - 

the brightside is bright -

 but the shadows -

are so deep -


 so i spent -

an easy wandering day - 

dedicated to clara - 

my thanksgiving - 


 mhm - 

did i really just spent -

an evening with -

no inclination 

no shadow-bligation -

of some should - 

re-learning -

how to do -

nothing -




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