
Showing posts from November, 2022

11/30/2022 - First Quarter Moon

  mhm - what-ching -  binge-tv - based on book -  re-cognizing - that it’s not - a sell out -  it’s just selling - a living - imagine - making our life - by living - #micropoem it’s how to - expand-entangle - accounts of experience-in-environments - to know what - ‘normal’ is - other than assort of baseline - common sensorial-attractors - experience of past experience - for comparison - guiding in-by - anticipation - for response-abilities - #micropoem comparing - genre-spectrum videos - assorted - across language-cultures -  is really a discernment of - deeply manufactured - consumables for - ecologies of - audience-markets -  #micropoem mhm - if i were a physicist - would i be able to ponder - that just as - electric-current enacts magnetic-field -  then field-expansion - enacts mass-movement - enacts space-time-gravity - or not - #micropoem it’s meta-for - everything -  everywhere -  till -  meta is metaphor - nothing - #micropoem news-media - is all -  neo-reality-tv - now -  it’s

11/23/2022 - New Moon

  finished - the latenights - - another evening - media-streaming - attractor-a-tension -  we are still - so early in the - emergent-sea -  of media-minding -  #micropoem mhm -  imagine if every - 'price sticker' - indicated the portion-  that was profit -  would that change - comparative - shopping -  and how ? - #micropoem mhm - worst case scenario - for evolution - survival -  without death -   no death - no survival - no adaptation - no evolution -   best case scenario - abundant flourishing - metabolisms - niche possibles - response-abilities - #micropoem mhm -  the pillow guy -  the drump -  they're entangled -  un-charming quarks - #micropoem so - who are - twitsla's advertisers - ? - #micropoem mhm

11/16/2022 - Third Quarter Moon

  @SteveKornacki - illuminates - a virtuosity - enacting a vision - of a transparency - a free society -  of people -  could enact -  ways to care - protect - enable - a flourishing of - trust in our - social response-abilities - #micropoem Replying to @bruces Yes -  if value = price -  then -  market-share = success -   #micropoem fascinating -  myself -  in - play -  uncertain that -  the playing -  is play -  and what is more real -  than that -  #micropoem Replying to @bruces the quote is so perfect -  audience is success -  birds and bees use it to -  virtuosity -  playing audiences -  poly-schismo-genic -  fore-giving -  flourishing -   #micropoem mhm - trump-petites - did to elections -  what wwe -  did to martial arts - #micropoem challenging - to write plainly -  words run away - with themselves -  still aims -  awakening -  ideas celebrating - afford-dancing - with mind - enable-meants -  plane writing -  many-folds - into unfinity of - spaces - #micropoem mhm -  private p