11/23/2022 - New Moon


finished -

the latenights - -

another evening -

media-streaming -

attractor-a-tension - 

we are still -

so early in the -

emergent-sea - 

of media-minding - 


mhm - 

imagine if every -

'price sticker' -

indicated the portion-

 that was profit - 

would that change -

comparative -

shopping - 

and how ? -


mhm -

worst case scenario -

for evolution -

survival - 

without death -


no death -

no survival -

no adaptation -

no evolution -


best case scenario -

abundant flourishing -

metabolisms -

niche possibles -

response-abilities -


mhm - 

the pillow guy - 

the drump - 

they're entangled - 

un-charming quarks -


so -

who are -

twitsla's advertisers -

? -




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