11/16/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


@SteveKornacki -

illuminates -

a virtuosity -

enacting a vision -

of a transparency -

a free society - 

of people - 

could enact - 

ways to care -

protect -

enable -

a flourishing of -

trust in our -

social response-abilities -


Replying to @bruces

Yes -

 if value = price - 

then -

 market-share = success - 


fascinating - 

myself -

 in - play - 

uncertain that - 

the playing - 

is play -

 and what is more real - 

than that - 


Replying to @bruces

the quote is so perfect - 

audience is success - 

birds and bees use it to - 

virtuosity - 

playing audiences -

 poly-schismo-genic - 

fore-giving - 

flourishing - 


mhm -

trump-petites -

did to elections - 

what wwe - 

did to martial arts -


challenging -

to write plainly - 

words run away -

with themselves -

 still aims - 

awakening - 

ideas celebrating -

afford-dancing -

with mind -

enable-meants - 

plane writing - 

many-folds -

into unfinity of -

spaces -


mhm - 

private property -

always and -

everywhere -

originates in the simple -

acts of taking - 

of claiming mine - 

and creating -

accept-able -

social accounts -

that make it so - 


there is -

too much -

to know - 

you have to sample - 

and account for -

anticipate-able probabilities -

 smoothness is -

determined -

by scale of -

observations - 


@trumPettite -

#trumPettite -

never really was -

a #prophet #center -

in all ways -

a flushing -

more like -

a #profit #sink-


 mhm - 

watching the -

fiasco - 

that is -

the whirlwind of -


ponder - 

security -

implications -

of vehicle futures -


pondering - 

media -

role of -

newsing -

good-enough -

justice -

takes time -

memory needs -

enactment -

 so media -

keeps memes alive -

for either/and -

business profit-reproduction -

and/or purposes -

deemed worth the effort -

and this is -

complex accounting -


a science -

of spirit -

 what spiritual is - 

 what mind is - 

patterns of organizing -

information -

differences-making-differences -

 which living systems -

enable a sensorial -

re-purpose-mapping - 

affording - 

niche-waking - 

life seeding -

flourishing -


digital lifeworld - 

already yesterday - 

quantum-lifeworld -

exists - 

computational-lifeworld - 

informational-lifeworld - 

mhm -

computable-lifeworld - 

 l’AIfeworld - 

program-able  l-ai-feworld - 

a play-space - 

for exploring -

ontologically real -

possibles -


a religion -

of play - 

flourishing enactments -

calling their destinies - 

aspiring life play -

fore infinity - 




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