10/28/2021 - Third Quarter Moon


mhm - 

if the assumption -

is that everyone is corrupt - 

and therefore - 

incentives of tokens are required - 

do the incentives themselves - 

ensure that -

everyone is nudged -

toward corruption ? -


 words keep their denial - 

of gifting voice - 

to my feelings - 

radical-conservative - 

east-west - 

male-female - 

spectrums of differences - 

octaves and fractal harmonies - 

horizons of curiosity -

 i am blessed - 

beyond just luck - 

to entangle with you -


 agri-logics -

binary -

signal-noise -

difference-that-makes-difference - 

the excluded middle of -

signal-is-noise - 

noise-is-signal - 

nothing happening -

is something happening - 

para-dox is - 

life -

living metabolism -

set of itself - 

not set in itself -


 mhm - 

change means change - 

if i want to change - 

that means every-one-thing -

that was entangled -

with me -

must change too - 

perturbations -

all-the-way-down-up - 


 Mhm - 

we are all parasites - 

until we realize -

we are each -

a quantum of metabolism - 

fore -

one and all - 


 mhm - 

we are all parasites - 

until we realize -

we are each -

a quantum of metabolism - 

fore -

constraint-closure -

one and all - 


 mhm - 

self  vs computer -

is self-stimming - 

but mmorpgs are -

not - 

they are -

social grooming -  

? -


 This is Not -

an answer - 

it’s a question -

looking for apophenia - 


is the lack of -

cognitive dissonance -

with the liberation call of -

'my body - my choice' - 

a measure of Dunning-Kruger? -




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