10/6/2021 - New Moon


trans-actions - 

are social fabric - 

the media of social fabric - 

the meaning of trans-actions - 

reflect the -

moral system -

Framing - 

credit-and-debt - 

private-and-commons - 

valuing values - 


 pondering information -

epistemology of pattern -

big bang ‘negation’ -

first difference that makes a difference -

enablin patterns to meta -

- all the way down and up -

grasping/revealing -

affordance -

is re-cognition -

of pattern -

through -

different media -



the ground -

that con-figures -

 differences that make a difference - 

is the frame -

of embodied -

relation-environments - 


feelings are -

not homogeneous -

unitary states - 

they are effervescent -

attractor-patterns - 

micro-muscle-flows - 

inbodied -

meaning-full -

relations-entanglemeants - 

afford-dancing - 

in spin - in-tensions -


a disposition-attractor -

  pleonasm ? - 

what keeps your -

disposition rewarding - 

allostasis of intrinsic -discern-meants -

enacting the play of -

a questing response-able - 

viability-EyeIng - 


insight-ing - 

incite-ing - 

insite-ing - 

call tout -

re-seed -

the situ-action - 


 community -

embodied ground -

of transactions -

fiber of -

social fabric -

having to give -

wanting to receive -

searching -

answering -

in person -

this is our basic condition -

as  human-environment -

this is common everywhere -

so common it is invisible -


 mhm -

marketing -

the paradigm of -

large - 

intensive -

economies - 

becoming political -

through the moral archetype -

of the business model - -

? -


we enculture -

self-narration -

conditioned by -

archetypal contingencies of relating -

we enable fields of noise -

to construct -

patterns of signals -

entangle-meants -

we extend mind’s deep ecology -

but -

there’s our-

genius for apophenia -

shadow of experience -


the feeling-minding of home - 

so there -

that’s it’s invisible - 

so that -

when it’s gone -

we don’t know -

that we’ve lost our abode - 

and now live -

anxious about -

the cloud of un-knowing and -

un-certainty - 




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