3/14/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


pondering -

life -

 self-replication - 

in other-selfing - 

metabolism - 

in self-othering -

self-re-production - 


mhm - 

i was engaging -

my intelligence-systems -

with prompts -

to prompt -

a counter-intelligence -

with orthodox-claims -

so i could -

generate -

better -

counter accounts -

for my own accounts -

playing with -

myself -


conundrum -

of marketing - 

in nature -

is it enaction -

of deceptions -

or enactment -

specified -

relationships -

of metabolism -

 enabling easemeants -

for trans-portal-formation -  

an inter-operability - 

for response-able allostasis - 

life-begetting-life -


@fordnation  - 

cheap beer -

and easy -

gambling - 

good way -

to make easy money -

sell public assets -

in a casino -


mhm - 

it seems to -

me - 

that diffusion is -

 exactly like we - 

re-member - 

what we've - 

seen - 

long ago -


how long -

it will take - 

until there is -

generative-ai - chatgpt - 

engine optimization AI - 

earning revenue -

marketing  - 

whatever - 




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