
Showing posts from August, 2024

8/26/024 - Full Moon

  the spectacular - heart - in the body - of-politics - marketing reality - out-satires  - satire - #micropoem and sometimes - it's all just - marketing - to re-brand - fast enough - to surf - the flow - of breaking - hype-cycles - #micropoem and it's like - where humor - can't go - because - in all seriousness - there's no humor there - and so it goes - #micropoem difference - of longhand - or keyboarding - doesn't account - afford-dances - of keyboarding - evolv-enabling - game-control - gestural-linguistic - inter-active-facing - information-sensory - spaces - of collective - tacit-knowledge - of game-controller-fluency - #micropoem the rhetorics - of other selves - share in-form - metaphors - and it's the facts - of actions - that measure - what is - in progress - #micropoem what is it - that attracts - my feelings - aligning them - in-masses - re-linking-us - in community - and imagining us - into be-longing - #micropoem and we commodify - this feeling-fore

8/19/024 - Full Moon

  in denial - is - mis-accounting - dis-counting - shadow-banking - karma-teering - of the - quantum-spot - #micropoem image by ideogram and pondering - how conditions are shaped - such that - in them - a person - would be willing - to give their life-for - changing - and-or preserving - social-conditions - and what conditions  - would shape - the measures - of our calculus - #micropoem fascinating - been drinking - red-wine - all night - i must be - drunk-ish - #micropoem an odd - curiosity - following performers - and public-expressions - and re-veiling - degrees-of-body - and how rare - it has been - seen - in the general-public - stream-screen - all-conditions - of the male - per-form - of its own honesties - as aesthetic-gravity - #micropoem she has - a quality - of another actor - a resonation - of vibe-alive-allure - strong-sultry - in-control - has rigor - to fair - her judgment - and wants - and insights - the stroke-of-love - #micropoem pondering - the rigor - of fairing - of