
Showing posts from June, 2024

6/28/2024 - Third Quarter Moon

  in the public - citizens are sovereign - of-for-by - a democracy flourishes - as it is generative - of curiosity - diversity - and complex-ecologies - and poly-centric holisms - #micropoem a political-economy's wealth - is measured - by governance - of systems for allocating - credit - to marshal resources - and capacities - with full faith - and credit - to create - the conditions - for the wellbeing - of citizens - the heart of - social wealth - #micropoem it's always - the word - wordle would choose - the sense of - most commonly known - word - is it training - attracting players - to the most common - choice - architecting - the nudge-to-choice - for fun - #micropoem a society - an ecology - cannot kNOT - train it's niches - to train each-other - metabolic living - forms the archi-textures - nudging grounds - to figure choices - #micropoem meme of - fighters - thanking-god - for-the-win - entails the frame - of success - being deserved - as divine-reward - a gaslighti

6/21/2024 - Full Moon

  and yeah - that feeling - when what you are eating - really feels - like its good for you - in harmony - with the feeling - of other  - senses - #micropoem logics of war-gamming - narrating homunculi-zation - quorum-attractors - projected motivations - to play-out - ideas of relations - the logics  - of conspiracy-theorization - deter-mines - what facts - appeal fore-accounting - #micropoem which came first - the chicken - or the egg - oops - now they're the same - #micropoem frank - einstein - simple brilliance - of human know-how - #micropoem mhm

6/14/2024 - First Quarter Moon

  the daily - account - now attracting - in local-conditions - way-ghing - psycho-motional - liminalities - afforded - in-actions - #micropoem image by Ideogram love of nature - awesome majesty - the beautiful - can be so - poisonous - it's hard to know - what nature - will offer us - in-civilization - nature can be - sublimed - re-mind us - our limit - tempt-us - to abstraction - what we don't - what we can't - control - #micropoem a challenging - read - definitely genius - the account of - the depth - even the surface - reveals - is profound - #micropoem civic-information - infrastructures - of governance - of-for-by - we-the-people - what public capacity - to plummet our depths - of general-will - in-form-in - honest accounts - and means - of quorum-sensing - response-able - complexity-volving - immunity integrity - #micropoem felt good - like leveling-up - the chances fore - civility - cultures of the public - afford-dancing - civil-honesty - meta-to-antagonis-tancing -