6/14/2024 - First Quarter Moon
the daily -
account -
now attracting -
in local-conditions -
way-ghing -
psycho-motional -
liminalities -
afforded -
in-actions -
love of nature -
awesome majesty -
the beautiful -
can be so -
poisonous -
it's hard to know -
what nature -
will offer us -
in-civilization -
nature can be -
sublimed -
re-mind us -
our limit -
tempt-us -
to abstraction -
what we don't -
what we can't -
control -
a challenging -
read -
definitely genius -
the account of -
the depth -
even the surface -
reveals -
is profound -
civic-information -
infrastructures -
of governance -
of-for-by -
we-the-people -
what public capacity -
to plummet our depths -
of general-will -
in-form-in -
honest accounts -
and means -
of quorum-sensing -
response-able -
complexity-volving -
immunity integrity -
felt good -
like leveling-up -
the chances fore -
civility -
cultures of the public -
afford-dancing -
civil-honesty -
meta-to-antagonis-tancing -
you-being -
we-making -
and catching-up -
as-it-goes -
a touching -
of what was -
as it was -
but is no longer -
image by Leonardo.ai
have gotten -
into a habit -
of living -
a certain way -
and there's a groove -
to it -
wonder what songs -
are coming -
and how -
will the singing -
happen -
as if slowing -
growth down -
or ungrowing -
will solve our problems -
or only just survive -
it won't stop plagues -
wars -
famines -
politics -
is de-volving -
to some past -
way of living -
to de-grow some-things -
is to re-grow other-things -
and grow new things -
symmetry of -
narratives -
how to know -
an honest account -
systems of knowing -
selves -
organism-ization -
how to map -
social-systems -
of knowing -
transparent to-all -
so shaping our selves -
shapes our-environment -
shaping selves -
the emperor -
has no wins -
he's a naked -
loser -
ta-rump -
pity -
pity -
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