

may-aches me think - 
these daze of space-time - 
lurking-lucky - 
surfviving - 
through the creases between - 
densities - 
and my wistful memeory -

The truth is dead - long live honesty

Entailing honest accounts and holding accounts honest   Science teaches us skepticism -  Entailing multiple lines of evidence For reliable knowledge    Complexity teaches us relative perspectives -  Entailing multiple ways of reasoning For relevant wisdom   Collective wisdom emerges in our institutions of conversation Entailing good faith speaker-hearers -  with honest accounting -  Entangling complex reasonings -  For adaptive evolving  #micropoem     So is it i don’t want to think - when I mahjong-nesthestize - or is it that - i want to space-out into partial-attentioning - visual pattern-hunting - and aural reason-gathering fractal minding - partial-attention syn-droning - self-dividuating - superpositioning - #micropoem  

When did the glisten of one’s sweat - become a feared social signal?    What did the promise of its control - afford for social fabric -  or was it another form of fake news? #micropoem

Zombie -
natural expression of homo-economicus - 
each zombie is a -
 selfish-isolated-atomistic - body -
a SIA-lf - 
driven by single desire to maximize satiation -

The zombie crowd - a condition -
of no society - only individuals - 
each zombies the same -


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