9/29/2022 - Full Moon


images by Leonardo.ai

in an ecology -

of grifting grifters -

worm-tonguing public -

reasoning -

cheezuz -

brand-logo -

proliferation -

phase-transitions -

new forms -

fore - logo-iconic-languaging -

and then there's music -

and when you add-it -

to our domestication -

of-by-fore -

the logo-iconic-lifeworld -

a more perfect -

you-nion -

of commodity-sumers -


hangovers -

random-sychronicities -

binding -

plause-ables -

in-science-ing-lifeworlds -

mythos -

of moral-whirls of -

guilts-over -

all narrative is about -

guilts -

moral-standings -

in which we re-cognize -

the social -

morals-in-of-by-morals -

morels-off-morals -


hui -

this lovely -

i walked with today -

radiant in-being -

and in an easy -

comfort-with -

feeling ourselves -

and she still -

fills me -

awakening my sensing -

a knowing-of -

immense -

good fortune -

o lucky i-am -


ponder -

their trustworthiness -

working for 45-et-al -

after all -

a hive of calculators -

for ends -

and their means -

even with mall-lined ideals -

a-vailing of rages -

fore-certain -

clarities -

and shaping of -

histories -


FOX News -

because inquiring -

minds want to know -

oops -

wrong line -

and old news -


and eye want -

to return to -

eye want to garden -

my attentions -

towards some cultivated -

reliable attractors-of-reasoning -

for the pheromone-cloud -

in-citing collective-intelligence -

as if eye -

can imagine -

being able to know -

what really going on -




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