4/8/2024 - New Moon


why is it -

easier -

to imagine our end -


climate change -

than it is -

to imagine our beginning -

without -

capitalism -


and that's -

what life does -

continual enacting -

to make conditions -

of life better suited -

to life -

and in so doing -

enacts conditions -

for new life -

exploring the spaces -

all the way down -

and up -

and dying -

is the sacred -

metabolism -

of living -


understanding currency -

is the literacy -

that enables -

a democracy -

to awaken -

our collective power -

to embody -

a society -

a politics -

an economy -

that is working for -

fairness -

caring -

liberty -

of-for-by all -


life is complex -

fairness is complex -

care is complex -

liberty is complex -

scale is complex -

the new and the old -

are complex -

metabolism is complex -

among the many -

constraints -

for-of-by -

generative flourishing -


mhm -

this is not -

the age of -

oppression -

depression -

and they live -

everywhere -

this is the age of -

compression -

the formulations of -

moore -

by-and-with -

less -


if -

by definition -

what arises of-by nature -

can't break -

the laws of nature -

then what -

evolution affords -

the living -

is to shape -

the using -

of laws for-ever -

new possibilities -

of living -


pollen is -

a technology -

that affords -

more response -

ability -

space -

for an evolution -

of living -


it's not -

a winding down -

of the clock -

be-cause -

how did the clock -

get wound-up -

to begin -

the wind-down -

so what -

is it -


we don't know - 

how the next - 

will change -

the previous - 


We don't know -

how tomorrow -

will change -

yesterday -


stunning -

neo-con rehabilitation -

an outraged rove -que -

champion of democracy -

one more -

dr-frankenstein in shock -

at the creature bibi-rump -

they gave life to -


   in the future -

of identity - 

a collective -

enaction of selves -

in-action - 

too -

constrain -

the self-ish -


there will always be -

unsatisfied minorities -

the fair-trick -

is to ensure -

dis-satisfactions -

flow in flux-diversity -

effervescence  of affected -

and surplus of possibilities -

enables -

more response-able -

distributions of dis -

un -

and satisfactions -


reading 'jg-ballard' -

pondering -

how age-in-the-world -

and constraint-of-conditions -

shape sensing time-space -

mhm -

oh yeah -

and stoned -


pondering -

the mixing of -

ingredients -

for bread -

the-midnight-treat -

what-ever -

and becoming aware -

how it seems to work -

best -

by bringing the bottom-stuff -

up -

and then -

that may well -

work for -

political-economies -




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