12/30/2024 - New Moon


you learn -

knot to -

care -

if you disconnect -

from some -

cause we take -

before-given -

that there will always -

be connections -

to make -

you take -

fore-granted -

and when it become -

rare -

we mistake -

rare-in-experience -

as scarcity-out-there -


and what is -

public-speech -

can it be -

free and -

accounted -

as good-faith -

regard -

for the public -

context of -

speeching -


and spectrums -

of mind -

of honest artists -

as empirical -

witch-shamans -

nudging -

our shapings -

of culture -

e-moving us -


with generative -

possibles -

fore-our living -

beyond our -

imagined -

communities -




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