

The TRUTH is dead - Long Live Honesty -

mhm - 

cause - 

honesty is one measure -

 of good faith -

toward other-self - 


mhm - 

when you divorce feeling -

from thinking -

you have no way to value your values -


when you divorce thinking -

from feeling -

you become merely whimsical valuing of values -


Only a few hales - 

didn’t burn the whole bowl - 

cough i did do - 

un-till my field - 

i mind that whether and - 

free the whip-or-will - 

in-joy the tides - 


accounting for purpose - 

a ball rolling down an incline -

has no purpose -

(despite having an inclination - ho ho) - 

but a heart has a purpose - 

and there are -

indeterminate ways of fulfilling a purpose -


mhm -

tunable boundary conditions -

enabling different attractors of being well -

complexity thinking vs binary -

or even dialectical thinking -

Political economy -

Boundary condition Dials =

gov -

markets -

civil commons (coops - non-profits - communities) -



  1. Boundaries..what are our boundaries in a marriage of thinking and feeling...are they all constructs ?


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