03/05/2021 - last quarter moon


I'm too lazy to do it -

ok - 

so I did it - 

but only while I was being lazy -


mhm - 

synecdocharchy - 

a primal structure of reasoning - 

pursuing trajectories -

of entailing logics - 

a sensorial structure of apophenia -

 accountable to surviving as -

continued effective viability - 


mhm - 

beyond the zero-sum game - 

the afford-dances of -

scale - 

intensities - 

emergents - 


touched pers tonight - 

who didn’t show up -

 but nudged - 

which is just right - 

a good and warm signal - 

of connecting in space-time - 


life is complex -

reduction to distinctions -

of either-or - 

distracts from complex reasoning -

of simultaneous -

contradictory valuing of shared values -


e.g. we value both autonomy AND belonging -

 all values are -

illuminated by light casting shadows -


The discernments necessary -

to value our values -

can only be accounted-accountable -

to a meta-moral-framework - 

that enriches -

the viability of our complex-culture-environmeants -



OMG - 

a year of enacting - 

seeded sourdough bread - 

and still the alchemical mystery -

of local bacteria - 

purchased ingredients -

 and the personal -

kitchen technology - 

manifesting orgasmic delight


mhm - 

it’s so sad - 

to live without connecting -

with the differences -

in our common-ness - 

such a small colurture spectrum - 

in my his-story - 

we don’t see - 

what we don’t see - 


the margins of honesting - 

and audience-ing - to audience -

is to be tribal - 

it’s the nature of audience? - 

social-media ‘intensifies’ -

mycelial connecting of -



stantive -

[mhm - ex-ample like it used to be ample?] -

mhm - sample --

that was such a stantive experience -

shouldn’t that be better than -

sub-stantive experience? -

mhm - less-than-stantive - 

is of credible amount? -


i do like to grow things - 

not a lot of things - 

but stuff i can make food with - 

it is amazing -

how easy it is to grow more than you can eat - 

mhm - 

surplus - 

it drives social chemistry -

 as the best way to create -

and handle diversities of surplus - 


mhm -

intermittent fasting  -

it's not so much the non-eating - 

it’s sort of seeing -all the food i have -

not being eaten-used - 

sigh - 

the eternal privilege -

a choice -

to waste or waist food -


Accounting for - 

Value - 

Values - 

Valuing Values - 

Valuating Value -

Value Worth Valuing -

The moral of Values - 

Accounting Valuable Values -

Worthy of Taking Account -


noon-#cbc-moral-panic-show -

talking-bout darkness of porn - 

basic assumption 

-sensorial pleasures of desiring - 

are a #gateway experience to -

social-individual-suffering - 

as if this desire is special -

 rather than business models -

as parasites of all desires -



my space-time - 

moral-rhythms -

include the constraints -

of my mycelium of -

inertia-dependences - 

and -

surprises -


do complex -

ecology-niche-instantiations-particulars - 

share values? 

Some share many or some - 

but that doesn’t mean -

 harmonious-relations - 

life flourishes with -

paradox attractors of -

evolving homeostasing-fluencies - 


mhm -

political-economic paradigm change -

Phase transition - 

emerging from intensities - 

when Moore - 

becomes different -



  1. Entering your space in time is like being part of a constantly moving, growing , expanding mycelium...universe...It is most creative..constantly creative and connecting..


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