03/13/2021 - New Moon


if this music -
makes me feel like this - 
can it be fake??? - 
it enables -
like plant medicine or -
thrilled as drugs - 
A-moral paradox of - 
what music does in-bodies - 
and the in-tension of creators - 
emotivation for -
con-sumer management or -
entanglement -

mhm - 

i like that -

but it’s so far from what i feel - 


it’s a wonder-full abstraction - 


about what i could be feeling - 

why don’t i call it as i feel - 


It's a fascination of languaging - 

two me - 

creating word imaginings -

trans-ing -

feeling-visual-sensorializing - 

 with mentanglemeants -


more and more - 

an amazing wonder-meant - 

as i listen to - as i learn to -

hear the - 

meanings that abound - 


Wow - 

my homemade seeded sourdough bread - 

Middle-East garlic sauce - 

Sriracha - 

honey-mustard - 

favored protein - 

soo good -


Covid-space-time - 

the day was long -

and now it's gone -

with barely a blink of an eye -


All knowledge is partial -

there is too much to know -

the horizons of emerging knowables -

expand exponentially -

and afford-dancing -

unfinitely manifolding -

superposition -



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