8/22/2021 - Full Moon


don’t know the motivation -

 what the search is for ? - 

to find or -

to get-away ? -

to be for healed - 

or escaping a shadow ? - 

life or -

unconsciousness - 

what's the matter -

in hand -


read this -

on quantum superposition in larger objects - 

there’s something on the horizon - i

t’s rife in our collective imagination - 

in the edge of reality -

magical-realism-speculative-fictions - 



covid-space-time -

hangovers -

 surfing and drifting - 

trying to channel -

 currents -

making progress -

on to dos - 

and wish fores - 


yeah - 

the complexity -

of our challenges -

drives our evolution -

even when -

we are part of -

our challenges -


commons governance -

social hormones entangle community of I's -

like organs with an -

allostasis metric -

like the price mechanism -

becoming displaced -

perhaps -

by distributed ledgers -

 self-care is other-care -

other-care is self-care -

mimesis of entanglement -


mhm -

with distributed ledgers -

price mechanisms level up -

in complexity -

enabling -

 allostatic self-governance -

and diversity of commons  -

and exchange accounting -

architectures -

enabling collective -

exploration of afford-dancing -

the valuing of values -


saannc -

 small-acts of natures non-cooperation - 

the intensity of emotional -

re-action - 

seems like my -

 metric of non-graceful life - 

so easy to re-alyze - 

i just sank - 



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