11/27/2021 - Third Quarter Moon


 inequality - 

presupposes concept of equality - 

presupposes concept of freedom -

 freedom in-action - 

freedom from interference -

freedom from domination -  

equality enaction -


mhm - 

if you let go -

of the why then  -

pragmatic theory -

enables the coping with reality -

rather than copying reality -


mhm - 

people notice -

when the inside voice -

is outside - 

but sometime -

the outside voice -

sounds way quieter -

from inside - 


 mhm -

ink-blot words -

do i see -

hate - yes -

racism -

sexism -

classism - yes -

 am-i jumping -

righteous indignation -

on too-weak tired moments of -

ignorance -

a leak of a shadow bile -

stand a call out -

enact a -

scarlet letter -

in-oculating -

hate-full i's -


 occupational hazard of -

career marketers - 

despite honest effort - 

marketing shapes -

orientations -

enacting purpose - 

full incantations -

 colonizing - percepts-precepts - 

shaping moral frames -

cohering capitalism's -

all consuming -

 simplistic memetics -




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