1/9/2022 - First Quarter Moon


Schismogenesis -

Dancing with the -

 Light of Individuation

Entangling with the -

 Cast of Shadows


shadows will be shadows -

With light is the cast of shadows -

The more righteous the light -

the more dangerous the shadows –

The wider light spectrums –

the more various the shadows –

The Lighter the light –

The heavier the shadow –

with light and shadow –

we see -


mhm - 

2022 - day 4 - 

another quasi-lock-down -

we’re getting primed - 

for mass-crisis-discipline - 

a good thing - 

if we grow -

citizenship for  - 

participatory democracy - 


listening -

to her experience -

and -

looking at the numbers - 

gave weight-depth -

to what both -

were saying - 

enacting a chorus -

of calibration -

understanding -

there is no objective -

untangled measure - 

for anything -


 the sensorial matrix -

i enact -

with media-screening - 

grounding - 

to tectonic trudge -

membranes -

bounding my paces -

what would get through - 

what source-n-patterns -

 would i sense - 

sorcery manifolds - 

accounting - 

for experience-domains - 


mhm - the challenge - of an elder - is not the story - of i did my best - it is - to reveal - the story - of i always learned - to get better - and then - help others - find wisdom - to do the same - #micropoem

she gives me -

just enough -

to keep me dreaming -

for more -

while being -

so happy -

to be alive - 


mhm -

are the best films -

suffused with -

non-gratuitous -

abundance -


lost myself - 

twice - 

negation - 

negation-of-negation - 

sublation-is-retrieved - 

(NOT synthesizing) - 

as-processing - 

like yin-yang-change - 

as-self-transformation - 

in metabolic motion - 

allostasis attractors -


measured by -

my sense of their honesty - 

even if ownership seems -

shelled at times - 

narrative short-hands - 

storyboard - 

impressionistic - 

meta-fore-ceptual-I-zing - 

way-minding -

my reasoning -


mhm -

#mmt -

could be a bout -

citizens enacting -

their own collective power - 

a democracy of -

the purse - 

a self-enabling society 

flourishing -

autonomy - 


playing wordle - 

fun-interesting -

wonder what -

wordle is learning -

from us -




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