2/8/2022 - First Quarter Moon


January - 

been real -

deep-in hibernation -

of coldest month - 

but -

multiplied -

by the space-time of -

covid-space-time - 


 competing -

narratives of -

reasoned -

justice-fication - 


humans quest -

knowledge -

begetting knowledge -

exponentially -

evolving -

civilization is challenged -

to re-member -

what has been learned -

the challenge of -

education -

becomes more complex -

a phase transition -

for collective -

intelligence -

like coding DNA -


mhm -

so many organizations -

love having some -

out-of-the-box -

thinkers - 

as long -

as they don't -

change the box -


 the snowbank-removal -

machine -

is right outside - 

big vibrations - 

wonder if they expect -

people can sleep -

through the noise - 

or is waking -

people up included -

in the pricing -

of this neighborhood-activity - 


Mhm - 

i’ve never been-

 the me -

that i should -

have been - 




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