3/18/2022 - Full Moon


if Kurtz is the joker - 

does that make Willard batman -

? - 

if batman -

as oligarch-billionaire - 

is an ‘errand boy, -

sent by grocery clerks, -

to collect a bill’ - 

who are -

the grocery clerks ? -


mhm -

I haven’t had -

a seasonal cold or flu -

in the last two years - 

strange -


 mhm -

the quadradox -

of McLuhan’s -

laws of media - 

enhance -

obsolesce -

retrieve -

reverse - 

linear simulacrons  -

know-hows -

afford-dancing - 

their entanglements -

virtual and actual - 


 Knowledge preservation -

vital - 

fragile -

small pre-literate groups - 

demand robust culture-memory -

loss of a few -

can enact amnesia - 

of group-based -

know-how - 

reliable survival -

demands reliable know-how -

to be preserved - 

innovation risks memory loss -


Creative adaptation -

is fundamental -

to mutual flourishing - 

existing changes existence - 

creation-is-destruction -

the metabolism of -

life begetting life - 


mhm - 

our epistemologies -

shaping ontologies -

rely on parts -

as individual -

self-determining -

goals - 

and a part -

by definition is #ententional

referring to systems - 

not present in a part - 

context determines -

the #entelligence of a part -


did some texting - 

with replies were distant - 

with having a tough time - 

with a bit - 

with no answer back - 

we are all -

in some sort of bubble - 

with our comforts -

and familiars - 


There is always -

so much 'cultural frou frou' -

that encrusts -

basic teachings of -

visioners of spirit - 

that becomes -

an inbreeding of religions -


Imagine -

if high school -

provided the experiences -

necessary -

for healthy citizenship -

and creative flourishing -

displacing the shaping -

of the young - 

as replaceable cogs -

in colonizing industrial machines -


 Fulfilling autonomy -

can only be found -

when we embrace -

our fundamentally -

social nature -

and fully commit -

to mutual aid -

as the flower -

of collective intelligence -




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