3/25/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


Greed -

gets you there -

envy -

keeps you from enjoying it -


 and smooth - 

lovely - 

draw my hand - 

my we -


What sorts of -

conditions nudge humans -

to be anti-social'  -

To re-place -

the frame -

to a primary definition -

of life -

life is adaptable -

to relevant conditions -

to beget life -

from misleading - 

the quest-ion -

are humans -

essentially -

selfish or social -


This is so -

beautiful - 

an evolving in  -

stream of consciousness - 

as an account -

of an existence -


 but honest evidence -

interpretation - 

of evidence-in-context - 

that includes a moral judgment - 

of the assumptions-definitions -

of moral judgment - 

what we would enable -

as a just scarlet letter - 

if only that was news -


 the physical -

simulated spectacles -

of war -

like -

sports - 

enacting emotional equivalences -

the story of -

the glory of -

the traumas of drama -


intuitive linear -

decisions accounting for -

7 generations -

a fit scale -

to perceive -

significant group-environment change -

for vigilance -

until a few centuries -

ago -

and today -

scale-speed of significant changes -

makes 7 generations -

dream for mystics -


Jeezuz - 

a migraine -

of cognitive dissonance -

keep Big Government -

out of our lives -

except for the need -

to control women's bodies -

to control who can marry who -

to control what people can read - 

freedom - freedom -




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