4/30/2022 - New Moon


Sigh - 

the illusion of -

a public square -

is what a privately owned -

Mall provides - 

so it's always been -

a Mall - 

now it's going to be -

 what ? - 

a rich man's - 

sandbox -

club -

arena ? -


the re-branding - 

elonitter - 

twiusk - 

twit-elon -

 muwitter -

 muswitter - 

must-witter -  

must-whiter - 

musk-itter - 

el-twit - 

el-twitter -

e-lotwit - 

e-low-witter -

elontwi -

twitesler -

etwisla - 

self-driving-twit - 

self-driving twitsla - 


mhm - 

this - 

growing - 

not only into -

self-world - 

growing into - 

consciousness - 

pre-language-culture - 

embodied-language-cuture - 


all the way down-up -


Aristotle -

viewed -

money -

a measure -

enabling equality -

of -

what is not really equal -

rendering the impossible possible -

&we -

to compare -

what cannot be -

compared -

mhm -

& making -

the relatively equal -

become unequal -

& the comparable -

incomparable -


who knows -

what the shadows -

knows  - 

if you can't share -

what is -

the value -

of a thought -


Quantification -

is number -

making -

 while measurement -

is based on -

realist assumptions -

presupposing -

something already exists -


the plural -

of anecdotes -

is not -

‘data’ -

doing your own -

research - 

with a friend - 

of a friend - 

is not -



joy -

walk & amble & meander -

tots & elders

surprise river wilds -

cycles -

tour-de-francing -

commuting -

zipping the slow -

in logic -

stay-in-lane -

& now ev-cycles -

imagine cars honk -

past slowcycles -

secure-in lane logic -

pedestrian observations -



democracy -

it's about 25 -

becoming an adult - 

weight - 

once it's in mid-life -

(say 50) -

crisis - 

it's future as -

one species -

one world ? -


joy -

 a sense -

of mastery in -

accounting challenges -

have -

not accounted -

how good questions -

reveal -

my beliefs -

a joy of social thinking - 

when we understand -

enough -

about emotional fluency  -

 to frame honest accounting -

 with appreciation - 




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