5/22/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


 history - 

rational-man - 

individual atom -

en-actor -

as good - 

as reality -

white supremacist -

the lone -

wolf -

gunman -

serial-killer -

revenger -

hero - 

shadows of -

the virtues - 

motivating -

enaction - 


mhm - 

the democrats -

have been captured -

by the working poor -

#TwitSla will vote -



mhm -

imagine - 

spell-check -

if it -

was surveillance - 


to know that -

 i want to flourish -

as an individual - 

and-with-in - 

of/for/by others - 

to know - 

how will i know that - 

how will i know when-if i have it - ? - 


we may -

not be -

in the same -

boat - 

and yet -

we are all -

at sea -




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