5/8/2022 - First Quarter Moon


we all knew -

can democracy be lost? -

before it's won -

before it's -

re-won -


it can descent -

madness like -

the joker - 

outside the box of cares - 

without attachmeants - 

without compassion -

without judgment -

without emotional epistasis - 

freedom from -

shame - 

pure solo-psitic -

determinations - 


this -

playing in languaging - 

afford-dancing in minding -

spaces -

always -

everywhere -

the human faces -

power -


i ware - 

in minding -

i were - 

in minding - 

i gasm -

am-bodied -


mhm - 

knowledge - 

and know-how - 

you would think -

 we would know - 

if they were -

the same -




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