6/7/2022 - First Quarter Moon


 why philosophy - 

to make -

an argument for a -

particular way of -

constellating an -

understanding of -

world-in-niche - 

in evor-lution -  

and to shape -

with multiple-ways -

of reasoning - 

with some rigor - 

and fun -

 improv - in -

 value for all - 



the brachiation -

of attention - 

the afford-dancing -

with entailments - 

of the moment - 

and entangled-shifts of minding - 

correlations - 

across dimensions -

and channels -


 and honesty in this - 

abstraction - 

the compr-assion -

en-tangling as one - 

across - 

place-mo-meants - 


 mhm - 

judgments can -

coalesce -

in moments -

of condensations -

of mists -

of impressions - 


mhm - 

it’s not just the honesty - 

it’s the coherent honesty - 

of a good faith actor - 

with a trail of honesty - 

that is -

a coherent-attractor of honesty - 

it’s the weft of honesty - 

with the warp of relationships - 

in a social fabric - 

in a moral economy -


mhm - 

the meta - 

not just the after, between and beyond - 

but the liminality -

of all simultaneously - 

met-entangled - 

feeling into -

meta-modern-ism -


 mhm -

at some point -

context-awareness - 

enables context-anticipations - 

and - 

context-adjacent-possibles - 

then-with that - 

context-afford-dancing - 

reel-to-real - 

in-tangle-meants - 

co-shaping -

a flow -


for wisdom - 

one has to enact - 

multiple-ways-of-reasoning - 

sensorial-emotive experiences - 

enact some ways of -

reasoning - 

enabling living in-viromeants -

accountable - 

to our mind - 


sigh - 

the world - 

is such -

 in - 

eternal-moment - 

and-anticipating - 

phase transitions - 




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