7/13/2022 - Full Moon


  s-ign-igh - 

sign-sigh - 

sensei - 

sense-sigh - 

sense-Im - 

scent-mimes -  


sigh -

the corruption -

is everywhere - 

there is power - 

over -

anywhere - 


and that makes me think - 

imagine - 

having a customizable palette -

of image generators -

it's like AI - 

as - tarot - I-Ching - 

and the next frontier -

of marketing - 


an iceberg -

of an unconscious mind -

thin-slicing -

an intuition -

as the frame -

of investigation -


Boris and Drumph - 

sly bully grifters - 

that keep on grifting - 

until there is no one -

new to fool -


 how my guilty pleasures -

shift -

from day-old-on-sale -

pastries -

to eat-in-guilt -

and shadows -

with time restricted eating -

home-grown - -

to - homemade -

muesli - dried fruit-nuts -

micro chocolate chips -

frozen blueberries & fruit -

labneh -

kefir -

gasm -


 placebo -

embodied belief -

corporeal attractor -

free of rationalization-based-envisioning -

a-sense-able discernable -

sense-feeling-emotion -

re-cognized as belief -

as language -

of emotion -

a-dimensional inter-face -

collapsing - 

in quorum-sensing-coherences - 


 all our languaging -

involves - 

the structural coupling -

that is -

the harmonizing of -

nervous systems -

as they improv their way -

to re-cognizing -

resonances -

em-bodies - 

singing ourselves -


Original-Debt - 

to who? -

all the way down-up - 

inde-termin-able fact - 

fore all living systems - 

in-dimensions-ententions-intentions - 

attractors-of-memor-emotion-meanings - 

emerging a meta -

physics-afford-dancing -

worlding-view-ables -

plausible causes - 


 surfacing shadows -

to enable more robust - 

therefore more response-able -

enact-meants -

learning this way -

such beautiful play - 

and challenge -

in re-member-ing - 

for unconscious fluency -

in knowledge-game-s-gaming - 

and then -

there’s politics - 


 mhm -

currency -

as flow of funds - 

accounted as -

information about -

the state of ‘things’ - 

the system of the political economy -

 it is the account of -

the accountable -

to secure account-ability -

we trust -




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