7/20/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


just because -

the focus is -

on women’s control -

over their own -

body - 

right now - 

doesn’t mean that -

every-body -

being controlled -

isn’t next -


 if a profit center -

is the medical-insurance -

industry - 

is a loss-leader -

for manufacturing - 

unwellness - 

the design-goal -

of processed food? -


cohering -

of remembered moments - 

and entangling -

a super-positioning - 

attractor - 

em-body-allostasis -

awareness - 

of awareness - 

drifting among -

dimensionalizing rhizomes -

and lighten - meants -


 envision-ing -

futures - 

all about -

horizons of risks -

 and how far ahead -

you are willing to invest - 

as viable - 

given a sensing -

of change -

in the density of -

transformation -

or cutting -

a Not -

in half -


 response-able -

allostasis-metabolism - 

having measures -

and thresholds of -

viability-in-environment - 

accountable - 

for response-ability - 

for adapting with -

change-and-flow -


allostasis-metabolism - 

metaphor fore -

political economy - 

via measures taken - 

by\of\for - 

as response-able -

flourishing of -

creative ecologies of -

know-how - 


 imagine -

how i lived -

with no idea -

what was happening -

in the political sphere - 

amazing bliss - 

such faith in my complaints - 

oblivi-obvious - 

to changes in -

conditions of change - 




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