7/28/2022 - New Moon


 reflecting -

on my -

conversationalling - 

and my attractors -

of attentioning - 

the hearing -

and the expressing - 

the exhaling of -

response-abilities - 

carrying themselves 

beyond myself - 


 mhm -

do we really want -

 a hyper-virtuosity -

sommelier of sorts - 

resonances that -

can attend-mind to - 

fluoresce with jazz - 

a constrained and still infinite - 

rhizom-addict - 

afford-dancing -

ento-becoming -

all-in - 

tangled -


social fabric -

finding trust in -

relating with strangers -

 in our societies -

un-accountable ways -

we give - receive favors -

large and small -

a-frame by -

isolated-atomistic-selfish -

individual with no relationships -

no social fabric -

can see only barter -


 mhm -

 watching a kiwi film - 

dubbed in Dutch? German? - 

english subtitles - 

sortamazing -

customIzation -

for particular -

audience-sense -


If you don’t have -

fair rules - 

competition -

won’t have a chance - 




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