8/11/2022 - Full Moon


 has whatever -

helped to - 

cope - 

heal - 

evolve - 

regress - 

all-for-one-et-al - 

there isn’t some point -

where being -

 isn’t response-able - 

and meta-respondent - 

a meta-bodied -

mind -

out-mattered -


those moments -

were just as -

uncertain -

and anxious -

and fearful - 

as they were -

rorschach  -

for desire - 

hope - 

excitement - 


 reading graeber-wengrow - 

and re-cognize - 

that we’ve been improv-ing - 

social civilization-ing -

for a longtime -  

the wonder - 

of change - 


 main-event -

 appreciate-thing -

sensorial-enaction-virtuosity -

in-tense-engagements - 

the-anticipatory-attractor -

of minding dimension-alities - 

and all imaginable - 

e-motives - 

with scales -

and scopes  -


 when audience -

is the medium - 

marketing is the content - 

share is -

a power-law - 




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