8/19/2022 - Third Quarter Moon
mhm -
post -
wishing covid -
away -
there’s a sudden -ness -
of re-cognition -
the span of time -
since the last -
we -
same-spaced -
fractal-sample -
in screen-time -
screen-depth -
constraints -
shaping imaginary afford-dancing -
in the medium -
marketing -
created for content -
shaped-by-audience-share -
how we have come -
to value our values -
A paradox of selfing -
Yes-And life -
in the excluded middle -
mycelial mani-un-fold -
meta-fielding -
becomings -
and goings -
"a paradox of selfing, yes - and life in the excluded middle, mycelial mani - un - fold meta - fielding becomings and goings, in the style hayao miyazaki "
Fore-in-sight -
AI Ching -
mhm -
memetic-framework -
re-frameworking -
allostatic memetic attractors -
en gravitational space-times -
infections-inflammations -
self-organizing seeded emergences -
and it’s marketing -
incantations of desire
promises -
of full of meants -
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