9/25/2022 - New Moon


verbal processor - 

think-as-enaction -

of speech - 

conversations with diversity - 

need requisite -

gestations of good-faith - 

to metabolize -

listening into hearing -

hearing into -

response -

abilities - 

with honest -

accounts -


an ode - 

to very dark -

chocolate -

 and sriracha - 

with cubed-apple - 

and pecans - 

all stirred together - 

spoon-fulls - 

of intensities - 

of sensory -

pleasures - 


mhm - 

biden our time - 

the pandemic -

is over - 

covid isn’t over - 

response-ability isn't over -

but the pandemic is - 


mhm -

the slippery slope -

from honest advertising -

to marketing - 

from an honest account -

the what where when how -

of products -

to the practice -

of marketing -

the finding of a fear -

and promising -

to take it away - 


mhm - 

watching the trumpet -

blaring -

and now -

I realize - 

without his -

makeup -

he's truly -

colorless -


it is - 

sort of -

pathetic - 

a colorless man - 

who literally - 

has to -

'put-on-his-face' - 

everyday -

event - 

where do orange humans -

come from anyway ? -


mhm - 

i -

make no sense -

without -

the rest -

of the language -


mhm -

no matter what -

time you are in - 

you are still faced -

with making -

a future -


what is old -

is new - 

until it's old -

again and waiting -

to be new -


well - 

life is art - 

and art is life - 

the question is -

in being an artist -


sigh - 

we are literally -

all in the same boat - 

our light -

spreads far -

farther than -

we can know -


survival is progress - 

new days arise -

only if we survive -

we make choices -

in the spaces -

survival gives us - 

so of course we -

can't NOT keep trying  -

that's our light -


moral frameworks - 

what we feel in our -

relationships with others - 

ethical frameworks - 

what we think is right and wrong - 

and how do they -

enable us -

to weave -

a narrative - 

of imaginary -

social fabric - 

? -


mhm - 

so many situations - 

where choices arise - 

either judge actions - 

or -

affirm possibilities -

for awakening - 

which choosings -

grow generations -

for response-able -

flourishing -

? -

a difference - 

between cause-effecting -

and enable-meant -


mhm - 

why is it -

that the art world -

cargo-cults the art work -

for monetization -

and never focuses -

on funding -

artists and -

potential artists -

in life -

? -


institutions are -

the rules of the game -

for example -

marriage is an institution -

church -

state -

wedding planners -

divorce lawyers -

are merely players -

in the game of the -

institution of marriage -

the question -

is the game -

a finite or infinite game -


distinguishing between -

engagement and -

participation by citizens -

who are in control -

it's like -

the difference between -

being invited to dance -

and choosing the music -



not writing -

and yet -

hot on the trail -

of the attractor - 


the local -

is not the solution -

to the global -

 it is -

the foundation of -

the global - 


so true - 

everybody seems -

to need to find -

their own way -

the question -

will we all -

find the same place -




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