12/23/2022 - New Moon
no church -
no wife -
church-is-community -
of-faith -
of trust -
faith-is-trust -
with weaponizable -
afford-dances -
entangled in all -
technology are -
all manner of -
philosophy & ideology -
assumptions -
orientations -
un-even -
moral frameworks -
all should surface -
with enabling -
conversational -
afford-dancing -
with honest -
accountings -
wicket problems -
infinite games -
It is so easy to forget -
that often -
the difference -
between medicine -
and poison -
is dosage -
imagine -
some sci-fi -
lab accident -
creates copper-eating -
nano-thing -
in months the world -
is without electricity -
we are past -
the point of -
no-return -
human are
electric societies -
now -
shades of McLuhan -
mhm -
sci-fi imagining -
generative intuitions -
it's not time-travel -
through a linear -
moving universe -
it's dimension-wormholing -
entanglement -
in a manifolding universe -
mhm -
why is the devil -
in the details -
because -
in details -
you are invited -
to lose the truth -
of the whole -
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