1/14/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


modeling the model -

if [place-holder logo] promise -

is to #supportcommunity

that is what [place-holder logo] -

has to learn to do -

it is the learning -

that's the product -

the deliverable - 

if it's not -

 then it's just -

another marketing -

scheme - 


does the speaker -

of the house -

get a special -

pension - 

of something ? -


humans are -

the technology -

of language and culture - 

language and culture -

don't come to be -

inside humans - 

humans become -

by living -

within technology of -

reproduction of -

language and culture - 


economics -

is always -

infused with religion -

the exploration of the mystery -

of value - 

and so -

tax-relief - 

is meta-for pain-relief - 

liminal for -

debt-relief - 

a hollow grift -

behind a promise of -

redemption -


listening -

to news-media -

an interview with -

@katieporteroc  - 

again she shines -

her brilliance -

in ways that -

enlighten us -

and touch us -


a joy -

when conversations - 

are fun -

productive trials -

of comprehend-able -

expressions of how -

we ponder-the-world - 


to understand -

from the moral-politic -

orientation of - 

citizens claiming -

no taxation with representation -

today -

frame this as-

no currency without participation - 

no currency making -

without participation -

in creating it -



mhm - 

why weren't studies done -

a lot sooner - 

before people -

were marketed -

to buy gas stoves -

like safety testing -

other technologies - 

are subject to - 

then again -

i think of -

gas - tobacco - 

who else -




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