4/13/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


blind-spots - 

all outside of -

interest - 

a vastness -

to be taken -

into account - 

reconciliation - 

accounting of accounts - 

informing a mapping - 

a meta-fore -

interrogation - 

in the emergence -

of executive -

agencies - 


mhm - 

getting it now -

it's not -

the 1000 fans -

that give you $100 -

a year - 

it's the million -

partial fans - 

who give you -

$1 -


this re-cognition - 

about coherence -

of my emotions -

with my reasoning - 

literally have to -

feel right - 

so that -

anything right - 

has to -

feel right - 


the joy -

i find - 

in minding -

my attending - 

afford-dancing - 

entangle-meants - 

with larger flows a far -

 embodied now - 

finger and mind -


its -

compelling -

mytho-en -

action-romance -

of world -

of-stages - 

and shadows - 

romancing -

our attentions - 

into being -

narrative -


some wait -

for civil war -

aiming to peddle -

legal public -

arming for all -

anywhere -

time for civil -

response-ability -

with sense-able -

safety for all -


the strange-attractors - 

the senses - 

a shaman - 

works in -

shaping sensibles - 

there are some -

of us - 

or all of us - 

in our own -

ways and means - 

surf and shape - 

with -

quorum sensing - 

embodi-meants - 

fore sighting -

our paths -


4 months -

to survive - 

cause he doesn't -

want to sell -

his stock - 

so mass firing -

is sad -

for the fired -


called - 

they're suffering -

emotional breakdown - 

a life always -

at thresholds - 

the other -

is equally unwell - 

a long rambling expression of - 

she's her mother's mad - 


mhm - 

that was her -

tonight - 

she has languaging -

skill - 

and she's -

trapped in -

the skilling -

of herself - 

and how's -

that different -


even-handed - 

fairly handled - 

that's a lovely moto -




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