4/27/2022 - First Quarter Moon


to sense - 

is to be -

stimulated - 

to be stimulated -

is to know - 

a-tension - 

of change -

and afford-dancing -

fore survival - 


news - 

media needs to -

generate narrative -

illuminating complex -

situations and relationship - 

lineages of cause-effects - 

so the challenge -

how many narratives -

can the same situations -

generate - 

news-AI -

narrating generators - 


facial -

re-cognition -

is a matter -

of finding a -

strange attractor -

of relationships -

entangling -

facial variables -


we all begin -

morphologically -

the same -

we are born as -

ourselves-embodied - 

come to know -

who we are -

socially -

in-relation to others - 

cause that is -

how we know -

we are human - 

as awareness wakens - 

an awakening to - 

relation-ings -

of experiencing - 


the embodied -

moral accounting -

that enables us -

to know ourselves - 

in the currency -

of narratives - 

accounting the stories -

we shape -

for ourselves - 

about having - 

getting -

using -

money -




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