4/6/2022 - Full Moon


a lensing of -

my history -

and my moment - 

and the obvious -

coherences - 

attention -

 impulses - 

quicksands of -

enaction -

admin-ing - 

house-cleaning - 

book-keeping - 

time-ing - 

way-finding -


in vernacular - 

i impulse -

intention -

 in a flash -

of time - 

vision a many-festion - 

in-mind - 

and begetting 

the inevitable - 

knots - 

of entangle-meants -


fill-in -

details -

and specific -]

orders -

up - 

dress - 

caffeinate - 

media-stream - 

up and enaction - 

whatever - 

homing-to-meal - 

settle-in-to -

evening -

 cruise to-bed - 

routines - 

fun-news-streams - 

ablutions -

or not -

bed -

ish -


is AI danger-us -

as danger-us as a hammer -

an airplane -

or air force -

with few-or-all 

 in control -

of that power -

as danger-us Internet controlled -

with few-or-all 

 in control -

of that power -

these  dangers -

shape AI systems  -

so yes -

totally danger-us


genius -

in marketing -

knows -

it's not about -

shaping the audience -

as much as -

virtuosity -

enabling the -

audience -

to shape -

the message -

content -


a living -

system's -

strange-attractor - 

non-linear - 

non-repeating - 

pattern - 

of measures-taken - 

constrained by - 

thresholds of -

self-replication -

via-abilities -


a strange-uroboros - 

constraint-enabling - 

the emergence of -

anticipations -

 yanging - 

into-intentions -

enabled by -

accounts -

 fore - 

afford-dancing - 

with possibles -

 to shape -

the feeding of -

anticipation's hungers -


a frame-of-reasoning - 

structuring entailing -

meta-fore narratives - 

line-of-reasoning - 

meta-fore -

structuring-imagining-constraints -

into entailing logic of -

one-dimensional -

sequence of points -


what ever -

happened to - 

democra-city - 

of-by-for - 

city-zens -

was it ever -

 closer -

than now -


compelling -

media -

narratives - 

mythic politics -

entangled with -

the real-world - 

archetypal-want-to-bees - 

on stages far too large - 

to play-with - 

too easy to get lost-in -

all the stages -

making the world -


the silent -

treatment -

my weapon -

of injury -

something -

i learned from -

my parental-s - 

multi-de-faces -

immaturities - 

of relating - 


pondering -

life and rhythms -

this stage -

of moments -

affords -

re-cognizing a -

shift in -

attractor-of-viabilities -

re-cognizing that shaping  -

is possible  -

by focusing -

on what wants -

attending -

and caring of -

atten-shuns -


pondering -

perspectives -

executive function - 

will - 

by any other -

name - 

or not - 

weak-willed -

en-telling -

a character-flaw  - 

executive-function - 

an organic-issue of -

parts in a complex - 

wear a part -

can shape -

the whole - 


trum -

pity - 

an infection -

of vampires' -

hunger for -

the life -

of others




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