6/10/2022 - Third Quarter Moon


damm - 

good bread - 

my bread - 

seeded-multigrain - 

sourdough - 

re-cognizing - 

the staff-of-life - 

of agri-logics - 

strange-attractor - 

reverberb-ings - 

in our 21rst century - 

kitchen and kitchen-emulating - 

repertoire of - 

larder-food - 


twitter - 

is weird - 

in the code- 

tonight -

 lately - 


mhm - 

if marketing is - 

the medium -

 inflammation - 

is the message -


a nightmare - 

everything is - 

becoming -

 moore complicated - 

so much - 

to know - 

 and moore - 

decisions - 

that are - 

entangled -


dark-knight - 

guardian of fair-order? - 

against a whimsy - 

of chaos - 

who's model - 

of fair-order' - 

was he nudging - 

the dark - 

confronting - 

who's joker-trickster-loki's - 

wild abandon -


mhm - 

decentralization - 

just because - 

you think - 

you can be - 

everywhere - 

doesn't mean - 

there is no center - 

each node - 

shares common-code - 

interfaces - 

phase-transitions - 

as threshold-conditions - 

develop -

 literacies requisite - 

to enact complex ecologies 

- #micropoem

correlation discounting - 

mhm - 

what of - 

the power - 

of placebo - the

 afford-dancing - 

of meaning-full - 

languaging - 

in-evolved - 

in-coded center - 

in-common-to-all -


decentralize -

no policing -

a gun for all -

should make for a just -

free-and-fair -

caring world -

life is full - 

of centers - 

hearts - 

allostasis - 

percept-generation - 

and de-centered - 

immunities - 

as-one - 

enact-for-other - 

central-eye-zations - 

live-in-code - 


this new - 

a-ssistant - 

ai-ssistant - 

i-ssistant - 

eye-ssistant - 

die-ssistant -

ri-ssistant - 

wry-ssistant - 

why-ssitant -


elvis -

his hair -

the way it is now -

in his grave -

that's trump -

symptomatic -

social-spasm of -

re-cognitive-dissonance -

we know somethings is wrong -

that it's got to be wrong -

 and signs show -

an uncanny-liminal -

portal -

to magical-reasoning - 




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