12/5/2023 - Third Quarter Moon


there no possibility -

of a generic -

model of a human society -

without culture -

there is no objective -

assessment of values -

because values are -

what must be used -

to shape -

what we see -

as values -


left to one's own devices -

traditionally understood as -

to allow (someone) -

to do what they -

want or is able to do -

without being controlled -

or helped -

by anyone else -

often expressed as -

be left to one's own -

devices -

to our know-how -

to be human -


the fitness landscape -

a conceptual -

brilliance -

and the question -

who does the shaping -

of who -

life builds environments -

as environments shape -

niche-species -

and where does fitness -

come from -


image by Leonardo.ai

wonder of -

a denial -

hidden in assumptions -

of instrumental-dominance -

athletic-virtuosity -

and the shadows -

of fear-hate -

of attractors -

in our imaginarium -

of desired -

seductions -


image by Imagine.art

mhm -

mirror-worlds -

uncanny-shadow-twins -

an alchemy -

self-shaping -

in a schismogenesis -

of doppelgangers -


the abductor -

the abduction -

the abductive reasoning -

of metaphor -

and entailing logics -

of a narrative capture -

of reason's abduction -


care-is-sensial -

from care -

comes trust-enable-meants -

movements -

of living full with -

caring-for -

caring-about -

caring-relations -

base-drum fundamental -

resonator -

rhythms-rhymes -

cycles-climes -

shaping all -

we live-in -




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