2/9/2024 - New Moon


it's all about -

the us-response -

to geo-pol-logical -

complexes -

and offered -

accounts -

abysmal -

miasmic-in-cantation -

smudging the past -

to atomize -

the moment -

fore purity of -

justice-fake-cation -


without -

free-to-all -

life-long access -

to education -

we indenture our -

future -

as a price -

of knowledges -

necessary for survival -

in a society -

we depend on -

and it's not only -

what the system knows -

about you -

it's what the system -

will let you know -


a-paradox-attractor -

how does -

the public -

know its own -

general will -

how does -

the public -

know its honest -

quorum sense -

how do -

the better angels -

of the public -

shape itself -

to evolve -

for flourishing -


and there is -

definitely a -

sort of -

normalization of the -

in-vocation of -

etc -

and while -

actually -

it's becoming -

normal behavior -




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