4/23/2024 - Full Moon


that reality-thing -

veil-of-illusions -

and meta-veil-ing -

is always -

turtles-all-the-way-down -

the definitive-uncertainty -

we fear -


something  so -

aristocratic -

mythed in batman-hero -

death of family -

orphaned-wealthy -

to be raised -

by the servant -

as-parent -

and honored -

love by child -

not kin -

but under-kin -

securing safety -

of care-full attention -


interstitial-ecology -

mycelium of journalism -

object-oriented generation -

of honest accounts -

of the world -

healthy flourishing -

of free-press -

is that it has to -

be free -

also as in beer -

enabled with public money -

held accountable -

with honest-evidence -


foresight-shaman -

anticipatory-literacy -

like water-wind-sky -

patterns of -

oceanic-navigation -

an awakening -

to em-bodhi-meants -

and re-membering -

moments of a-tension -

to in-form -

the shaping of accounts -

for quorum-sensing -

enactions -


ponder -

the measures -

of fair -

honest accounts -

peer-review -

trial-by-jury -

quorum-sensing -

determine-nations -

of reliable -

knowledge -

commons -

of trust -

to safe-guard -


in-cite -

re-cognition -

has this always -

been the question -

woven into search -

re-search -

how do i belong -

in the ecologies -

of mass-production -


and it's -

progressing in -

boring-speed -

and its importance -

obligates the function -

of free press -

to attend us -

to a-tension -

in the ecology -

of feels -

urgent now -

and important -

tomorrow -

and why -


a political-economy -

boils down -

to this -

who determines the laws -

how are laws enacted -

who do the laws serve -


a-price of civilization -

commons-literacy -

fore collective-creative-intelligent -

agent-sees -

with honest measures -

fore essential work  -

fore-flourishing fore all -

a-declaration of inter-dependence -

social-enacting entangle-meants -

all the way up-down -


uroboros -

snake-eating-itself -

a tail of -

life living -

simultaneously -

food-eating-food -

ecosystem -

is-metabolism  -

of the living-in-living -


symbol-systems -

and afford-dancing -

repertoires and combinations -

entraining attention -

to cohere -

meaning-full-accounts -

mapped with imagine-able -

conscious-space -

from way-finding -

quorum-sensing -

story-telling -

and beyond -

enabling narration -

in share-able -

memory -


and how symbol -

making-sharing -

educates -

the sensorium -

collective -

with protocols -

of-meaning -

riding the harmonics -

of tune-able -

organ-iyes-isms -


to make full -

efficient use -

of the power -

of symbolic technologies -

to create value -

a society needs -

tools -

infrastructures -

social habits -

literacies -

at hand -

and language -

as commons -

operating system -

will language scarcity -

flourish our wealth -


literally keeping -

the story -

alive -

fore good-cause -

good business -

stories do have to -

be kept alive -

and some -

have to be given life -

the vitality -

of honest journalism -

is not a pearl -

in-profit motives -

it is the grit -

fore common-wealth -


if he goes -

to jail -

for breaking the gag -

will he be allowed -

to keep -

his make-up case -


faith is -

a choice -

it's how -

the choice is made -

that accounts-phor -

what you are -

choosing fore -




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